Motivating your employees is not a small task even before the pandemic, and it’s no secret that it’s even more challenging now that majority of your team is working from home. So, what could leaders do to support and keep employees motivated? One of many ways is to involve your employees in CSR programs to give more purpose in the work they do. Not only will CSR programs improve employee motivation, engagement and retention, it opens doors to the following benefits too:
Better communication
Two-way communication is always important at a workplace, but more crucial during the pandemic. It is very important to engage with your employees beyond the scope of their responsibilities and listen to them during this unprecedented time. Recent surveys show that many employees look up to leaders of their organizations for guidance in the time of uncertainty, especially what strategies the company has in place to cope with the pandemic. Execute regular employee surveys to show you care about their wellbeing and to understand what the needs of your employees are in order to move forward together as an organization. Keep the humanity mission and its deliverables in mind.
The goals of a CSR mentoring program should be aligned with the business objectives of your organization. The purpose is to give back to the community which is beneficial for your organization as well as the society. As this generation of workforce that consists of millennials, highly care about the contribution of their companies for the better of the society which is one of the key reasons of developing satisfaction at work.
Give a purpose in their work
Feeling a void in the workplace is very common among employees. Emotional connection is the single most powerful motivational force in our brain, it helps people feel included, appreciated and safe. Through CSR activities, it helps strengthen the bond with employees that creates an emotional connection.
Create a safe place for employees to share their challenges
Stimulate a gratitude practice. Often when we are feeling distressed about things that seem out of our control, developing a gratitude practice can be the shift we need to refocus our energy on what we can positively impact. To make employees feel more included, appreciated and safe in the workplace, (CSR) initiatives must be executed to achieve specific results. The feeling of satisfaction at work is a beautiful outgrowth of this practice.
Employee appreciation
It’s recommended for leaders to recognize their employees’ hard work whether it’s their contribution to the society or business growth, through an annual company event or meeting. When relationships, rewards, and recognition are aligned with results, your employees will feel included, valued, and satisfied.

We are here to help create effective CSR programs for your employees to elevate their ability to perform with quality, integrity and authentic connection. Contact us for a free consultation to keep motivating your employees with a meaningful cause!